The subject of ethics cooperates with the subject of religion - both in lessons and in various school projects, e.g. in the area of global learning and in the school development programme Faire Schule. The core of the cooperation is the topic-related collaboration in the subject of ethics in years 7-10, in designated cooperation classes. Here, Schillergymnasium follows a recommendation of the school senate, as the framework curricula of the subjects overlap greatly. Of course, neutrality towards world views and religions is also maintained in the co-operation classes, as is prescribed for the subject of ethics.
In the co-operation classes, we teach as a team. Together, we promote a respectful culture of discussion within the class community, which is required by the subject of ethics as a discussion-centred lesson. As a rule, the religious education teacher takes over the religious studies lessons. The aim here is to impart basic knowledge about different religions and to practise methods of comparing religions. This religious education promotes a responsible approach to one's own family traditions, whether they are religious or not. It also promotes a respectful encounter with the beliefs/non-beliefs of other classmates and enables exchange and dialogue.
The cooperation between the teachers enables regular learning in subgroups during the ethics lessons.
A second classroom is available for this purpose.The division of the groups follows practical teaching requirements and is also based on the pupils' interests.
In years 7 and 9, in-depth phases lasting several weeks are planned each half-year, in which individual teaching topics are developed from a religious or philosophical perspective. The phases then culminate in a joint exchange.
In years 8 and 10, ethics lessons are limited to one semester due to the introduction of the subject of politics - there are no in-depth phases here. Instead, the religion department offers interested pupils a project phase for the half-year without ethics.In year 8, an excursion is planned and organised together with preparation and follow-up (e.g. to Wittenberg). In year 10, themed weeks are offered in the areas of religion, philosophy and society, with visits to lectures, events and exhibitions.The project half-years are organised in such a way that the students work independently - either together at school, at extracurricular learning locations or via the digital learning platform Lernraum. Content and processes are planned together with the pupils.The time requirements of the projects are carefully adapted to the general requirements of regular lessons so that there is no disproportionate additional workload.All participants receive a separate certificate for their participation at the end of the project half-year.
Enrolment is a prerequisite for participation in all forms of religious education and religious studies lessons.Even if, for formal legal reasons, a choice has to be made between Protestant and Catholic, denominationalism is neither a prerequisite nor the aim of the lessons.The RE is open to all those with an interest in religions and cultures.