If you try to live without philosophizing, is in truth the same as keeping your eyes closed without attempting to open them.
René Descartes (1596 - 1650)
In 2012/2013, philosophy was introduced as a new Grundkurs subject for years 11-12 at Schiller-Gymnasium. It is built upon elements of philosophy dealt with in the subject of Ethics (which has been compulsory in Berlin since 2006 for years 7-10). In philosophy lessons, the skills of argumentation and reflection, relevant for other subjects, are given particular emphasis.
This is done not only by drawing on classical texts from the history of philosophy, but also by using interactive methods, for example from drama and film analysis.
The subject is taught in accordance with the requirements of the Berlin curriculum for years 11-12. The content-related questions are drawn from the areas of moral philosophy, political philosophy and anthropology, epistemology and metaphysics, which derive from Kant's four questions: What can I know? What should I do? What may I hope for? What is the human being?
The subject of Philosophy can be taken over 4 semesters to count towards the Abitur and can be selected for the following Abitur examinations: oral, written , or as a research-based presentation.