Donnerstag, 20.02.2025, 1. – 5. Stunde, in der Aula: Schiller-Bundestagswahl
Notes on absences
Class attendance and absences

All students are obliged to attend the lessons of the compulsory and elective courses of the qualification phase as set out in the timetable as well as other compulsory school events until their regular end. If reasons are given for the absence from lessons or for the failure to perform, for which the pupil is not responsible, these must be explained immediately. The school may require the submission of suitable evidence, in cases of illness a medical certificate. If a student misses an examination date in the qualification phase, the proof must be received by the secretary's office within three teaching days of the missed examination date for forwarding to the upper school coordinator. Certificates issued retroactively will not be accepted.
Absences have been recorded in WebUntis, where they are processed by the tutor and should be tracked by the students themselves in their account on the computer (not possible in the app).