Students, teachers, school staff, and parents can fill out this form to share experiences and observations of discrimination.
What is discrimination?
When people or groups are excluded, disadvantaged or oppressed in a society, this is called discrimination. Discrimination is based on personal characteristics that are devalued in society. People can be discriminated against for the following different reasons:
Discrimination can happen directly or indirectly, with or without intention. Most of the time, discrimination is also based on prejudices that exist against certain groups of people.
It is important to note that discrimination can occur through an insult BUT not every insult is discrimination!
Source: Based on the Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG) § 1 [General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) § 1] and current cultural studies and sociological practice.
Who receives the information?
The information about incidents of discrimination submitted via this form is received exclusively by the two Diversity Contact Teachers of the Schiller-Gymnasium. The information is forwarded for further review according to the table below "Who receives the information?". The information is also included anonymously in a statistical overview.
Digital form for passing on incidents of discrimination
All fields are mandatory. The form is currently being reprogrammed to include English. At the moment, the fields below appear in German. Please feel free to complete the form in English.
* Incidents of discrimination concerning school administrators received via this form will be forwarded directly to the LADG ombudsman's office (State Office for Equal Treatment – against Discrimination). Alternatively, information can also be passed on to the LADG directly via this link: